Working from Home: Your Guide to Collaborating Wellness
The sudden shift to remote work for millions of people means additional pressure for teams to stay aligned, feel connected, and get work done.
Buj is built for this. We use an innovative collaboration model that copies people’s natural behavior. This makes it easier to collaborate effectively with your coworkers, access information, and, ultimately, get work done faster.
Here are three top tips to help remote teams get started using Buj.
1. Have multiple conversations per post for natural collaboration across teams and individuals
Buj’s unique collaboration model enables you to share the same post/data/event across teams and people enabling you to keep all conversations in context. This not only makes communication more efficient it also helps store knowledge in an optimal fashion for access and search in the future.

Share post to teams and individuals privately
A post in Buj can contain data, media, documents, or just some thoughts someone just typed in. Posts are created by people or often created automatically by applications. These posts can be shared to individuals, teams (e.g. sales, IT, etc.), or to a group of people specified by the user on the fly. Buj then allows for multiple private conversations to occur about the same post. Take a look at a video below showcasing how users use Buj vs. traditional chat.

Rate your posts
Buj gives users the same experience as modern AI-driven applications like Netflix and Amazon. You can rate a post as useful or not helping the AI to predict what posts will be of interest to you in the future and why, E.g. maybe you get a daily report from some application, like Salesforce or Jira, but you only really need it on Mondays to prepare for a weekly meeting. Buj will learn that and prioritize the posts appropriately.

2. Stay engaged with your team, from anywhere
Working remotely doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice human interaction. In fact, many teams are already using Buj to help foster alignment across departments and time zones.
Ultimately, a strong team culture is critical for maintaining cohesive, motivated, and resilient remote teams.
Share your availability to talk/meet with your teammates
Working remotely doesn’t mean you have to work alone. It’s important to create moments for face time, whether that’s a regularly scheduled video call with your immediate team or asking a colleague you’ve been messaging to hop on a call to hash things out faster.
Buj has voice and video calls built-in, so you can start a call with any member of your workspace right from the platform, without having to leave Buj. If you want to send a quick note, but rather speak with or without video instead of typing, you can easily do that by leveraging our audio and video recording. You can even record your screen if you are trying to explain an issue or some design element you need help with.
A big difference between working onsite and remotely is the lack of access to people to ask quick questions. You could call the person, but that feels too much of an intrusion. You could send them a message, but you don’t know when you’ll get an answer. In the onsite team case, you would just walk over or turn around, ask the question, get an answer, and you’re done. With Virtual Desk Buj allows users to make themselves available if they want and teammates can just join the call at any time, ask a quick question and leave. This is a popular feature amongst users along with virtual conference rooms, especially for stand-up and brainstorming meetings.
Snooze notifications feature: And to make sure you’re properly disconnected during off-work hours, we recommend snoozing notifications during that time.

Use emoji reactions and gifs
Emoji reactions are also a handy way to show teammates when you’re looking into something or to help keep track of when a task is completed. And that’s the magic of a reaction—it’s far less disruptive than a message but can still convey so much!

It doesn’t all have to be about work, have a drink together!
It’s important for teams to also connect over non-work activities too. Some teams will setup virtual cafes, and water coolers. That way if you want to take a break and have lunch you can meet up with your friends at work and have some facetime together.
3. Tune your feed to focus on important
Set filters to posts
By rating your posts you enable the AI to help prioritize posts in your feed but you can also set up filters based on keywords, what team the post went to, or who created the post. This helps you have an optimal feed the way you like it.
Mute teams if they are distracting
If there’s a team whose updates you find distracting you can mute it with one click helping you concentrate on what you want. The good news is that as the AI learns more about your behavior you will feel a lesser need to do this manually.
Use webhooks
Create webhooks for your favorite apps to get all needed information in Buj. When all your tools work together and can be accessed from one place, you’ll spend less time switching between apps and browser tabs and more time focused on moving your work forward.
Shifting entire organizations from office work to a fully distributed workforce is never easy, but with Buj, people have a shared, historical view into the work that’s happening across their organization, can re-create the more human moments of work to stay connected with colleagues, and can easily integrate the tools people use every day to prioritize the work that matters most.